The Supreme Court just refused to block that crazy Illinois gun ban
· May 19, 2023 ·

Remember when Illinois banned semi-auto guns?

Of course, every gun owner and their mom sued over the constitutionality of the law; there are so many cases against the ban running through municipal, state, and federal courts, it's hard to keep track of them all.

In one case, a federal judge blocked the law, but the 7th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals put that decision on hold.

Most recently, the Supreme Court refused to lift the 7th Circuit's hold, effectively leaving the law in place.

While the Supreme Court's decision isn't final or a ruling on the merits of the case, it does leave open the possibility that the law could go into effect before the courts get the mess sorted out.

Which is exactly the same position the Supreme Court took when the 2nd Circuit left the crazy New York gun laws in place after a lower court blocked provisions like providing your social media history when applying for a gun license.

The New York law also has several cases winding their way through the courts, and it's understandable to want to collate them in order to consider all the merits of the law at once.

But both laws seem like such a clear violation of the 2nd Amendment, it's hard to imagine why the Supreme Court wouldn't block their implementation during that process.

At least in Illinois, there are several sheriffs across the state that announced they will not be enforcing the laws.

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