The trailer for Hillary Clinton's new Apple TV+ show gives us a glimpse at what might be the worst thing ever made on film
ยท Aug 25, 2022 ยท

Hillary Clinton is a career politician. She's been around since before the Watergate investigation.

You can support her all you want, but the lady has literally been in the halls of power for half a century. She has overseen military action and state secrets. She has voted to drastically influence people's lives. She has met with heads of state and helped very rich and powerful pals through her foundation.

As far as stereotypes go, Hillary is as far from "the girl next door" aesthetic as possible.

And yet Apple is gonna try really hard to make her seem like an average gal who just likes to have fun:

Understand that Hillary is one of the most unliked politicians of all time. There are hundreds of millions of people who actively and passionately dislike her, her actions, and her policies. There is a reason a bombastic guy like Trump beat her in 2016 despite her decades of political clout.

I mean, what is this show, exactly?

It's like Emperor-freaking-Palpatine going on a beauty pageant that he's producing to show the world a softer side of himself.

Doesn't matter. The people in power think this show is fine and amazing and wonderful โ€“ even though it's produced by Hillary herself โ€“ because Hillary is amazing and Trump is Hitler.

It's so freaking biased it's unreal.

Check out Hillary and Chelsea taking a photo with hypersexualized Megan Thee Stallion, who likes to drop "n-" and "f-" bombs every five seconds:

The guy in the back is all of us:

I think Hillary Clinton just put the final nail in the coffin of woke Hollywood!

P.S. Now check out our latest video ๐Ÿ‘‡

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