The United States is JUST NOW suspending the Wuhan Institute of Virology's federal funding ๐Ÿ˜‘
ยท Jul 19, 2023 ยท

It's July 2023 and the Biden Administration is NOW defunding the Wuhan Institute in China because they are stonewalling on info about the lab leak.

How... I just do not understand how in JULY of TWO THOUSAND AND TWENTY THREE we were still sending our taxpayer money to fund the lab that Covid leaked from.

Of course, it's pretty well known at this point the US was funding gain-of-function in Wuhan prior to the Coronavirus outbreak and this is what likely caused the pandemic.

But what is hard to comprehend is that we were, until yesterday, STILL paying the lab Covid came from.

Wuhan Institute of Virology's access to U.S. federal funds has been halted over concerns from the Biden administration about the institute's failure to provide adequate documentation about their practices.

The Department of Health and Human Services announced the suspension in a Monday letter to the lab, which mentioned efforts to attempt to debar the laboratory in the future.

A memo that was obtained by Bloomberg News stated that a previous review revealed that the Wuhan laboratory does not adequately follow federal regulations. The lab had also failed to send documents about their security and safety measures to American officials.

"This action will ensure the [Wuhan Institute of Virology] does not receive another dollar of federal funding," an HHS spokesperson said, according to Bloomberg.

Wow! That'll show 'em, Biden! That's playing hardball!

Sure, they can release a virus and kill millions and we'll keep sending them money, but if they don't hand over the documents telling us this is what happened then maybe then we'll think about cutting off funding.

I have no words.

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