The U.S. Capitol was put on lockdown for a LITERAL dumpster fire, and if that isn't a metaphor for our civilization, I don't know what is.
· Jan 18, 2021 ·

The U.S. Capitol Building was put on lockdown today. Around 10:30 a.m., a secure message was sent to congressional staffers informing them to remain in the building and stay away from windows. Sirens blared across the city, warning people of an imminent threat.

A crowd of personnel running through a rehearsal of Old Joe's upcoming inauguration were also evacuated, making mad dashes for safety.

People evacuate from the West Front of the U.S. Capitol during a rehearsal the 59th Presidential Inauguration at the U.S. Capitol in Washington, Monday, Jan. 18, 2021. (AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster)

Capitol Police and the National Guard were also deployed, scouring the area to see who and what might have breached the 12-foot walls and military perimeter they've put around the building.

Who knew what they might find out there. It could have been a wave of angry MAGA supporters, coming to Leroy Jenkins the Swamp once and for all. It might have been acclaimed neo-Nazi and Orthodox Jew Ben Shapiro coming to burn down the palisades with facts and logic. Or it might have been POTUS himself riding a fire-breathing dragon as he entered the Capitol to usher in the end of all things.

Turns out, it was a dumpster fire.

Yep, in the bright and shining leftist utopia of D.C. – known for its exceedingly high crime rates (both on the streets and in the halls of Congress) – there is apparently a homeless encampment a mile away from the Capitol where the fire started.

The U.S. Secret Service let us know that everything was okay just a few minutes before 11 a.m.

The talking heads over at CNN were probably really sad it wasn't a bunch of Trump supporters. What a disappointment that must have been.

The beauty of this scene is not that we should make light of violence or threats, but the imagery itself of our Capitol building outlined by the smoke from a homeless encampment (along with the over-the-top response to the whole thing).

If a burning dumpster fire behind a white-washed building surrounded by a literal army isn't a visual representation of where our culture is at today, then I don't know what is.

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