CVS Replaces Toilet Paper With Framed Photos Of Toilet Paper To Deter DC Theft
· Nov 13, 2023 ·

Welcome to Washington, D.C., where the local CVS store removes all the TP from the shelves and replaces it with some cheesy picture frames that look like something your grandma bought at Goodwill.

Pretty cool, huh?

Yes, homelessness and crime have gotten so out of control in D.C. that you can't even make a normal purchase of toilet paper at CVS. That's because homeless folk have, in an obvious case of desperation, been stealing toilet paper at an exhausting rate.

Enough to force this CVS's hand.

The toilet paper aisle, you guys. This is the toilet paper aisle.

As retail theft soars in Washington, D.C., one CVS store is taking drastic measures to prevent its stock of toilet paper and other products from being stolen.

Instead of seeing packages of toilet paper on the shelf, at a CVS on H Street NE in the nation's capital, you will only find framed photos of the product. The move comes in response to a spike in theft at the store, particularly among the homeless population, according to a report from WTOP News.

Sources told WTOP that homeless people had been entering the store and stealing toilet paper and other products, prompting it to remove items from display. To get the products for purchase, shoppers need to press a button for assistance - something that's becoming more common across the country, especially in Democrat-run cities.

Look, I know this is starting to be the new normal, but can you step back for a moment and realize how deranged this world has become? We've got almost 5,000 homeless people in Washington, D.C., an 11.6% increase from just a year ago, and now we're putting up flippin' photos of toilet paper at CVS because these people keep stealing it.



You'd think maybe, in a city just 25 miles from the richest county in America, which just happens to exist right outside the Swamp for some reason, we could solve homelessness. But no, it's only getting worse and it will continue to do so.

Sometimes I think the people in charge actually want all this stuff to happen. They want homelessness, they want crime, they want a general filth in our streets. And apparently they want companies like CVS to have to take these extreme measures in order to deter theft, which, don't forget, costs extra time and money (though it might save them money on theft in the process).

Such a strange world we live in.

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