I'm not really here to "own the libs." I genuinely feel sad for (most of) these people.
I mean ... MY GOODNESS.
How much more qualified and intelligent and perfect for the position to we have to be?
She's talking about KAMALA HARRIS!
If you watch these videos, you'll see how terrified these people are of Donald Trump ... the billionaire NYC celebrity famous for reality TV, cameos in "Home Alone 2," and Pizza Hut ads.
They got this way because the media has lied to them for a decade with increasingly ominous tales of doom that ratchet people's anxiety to the max. If we're going to point fingers, let's start with the talking heads that drove these people crazy so the elites could keep political power.
This is why we are trying to undo the brainwashing through humor 👇
But some cases of healing the brainwashing may take longer than others:
Sorry, not sorry, wokies: We're done with your death cult.

P.S. Now check out our latest video 👇