There was apparently a second Capitol sex tape investigation last year ... maybe Madison Cawthorn isn't as crazy as I thought he was
· Dec 21, 2023 ·

Remember when Congressman Madison Cawthorn gave us this gem and everybody laughed at him back in 2022?

The sexual perversion that goes on in Washington … being kind of a young guy in Washington, where the average age is probably 60 or 70 - [you] look at all these people, a lot of them that I've looked up to through my life, I've always paid attention to politics. … Then all of a sudden you get invited - ‘We're going to have a sexual get-together at one of our homes, you should come.' … What did you just ask me to come to? And then you realize they're asking you to come to an orgy. … Some of the people leading on the movement to try and remove addiction in our country, and then you watch them do a key bump of cocaine right in front of you. And it's like, this is wild.

Yeah, well, we've already seen and I will not show you again the Senate butt sex video. And now we have yet another instance, from back in 2022, where a House staffer was found making a sex tape on Capitol Hill.

Our leaders, ladies and gentlemen, are not moral. And our country's political structure requires moral leaders. Needless to say, we are doomed.

A spokesperson for Rep. Dan Newhouse, R-Wash. confirmed that reports of "purported, unbecoming behavior" by a senior staffer in their office triggered an investigation last year. They added that "no conclusive evidence" was found.

The staffer, who Semafor is not naming, denied he participated in explicit videos, and disputed elements of the office's characterization of the episode …

One thing that is clear, however: There is, in fact, a second set of Capitol sex videos, which circulated on Snapchat last year. They featured in the Snapchat story of a user going by "Adam J" with the handle "Anjackson2019," according to the recordings viewed by Semafor, which were provided by a source.

One of the videos, watched by Semafor, featured a man masturbating inside a House office building, which was identifiable by standard Capitol House furniture and carpeting. The desk at which the videographer performed also held a branded congressional mouse pad. A screenshot of a second video obtained by Semafor shows two men engaged in a sex act in an office setting. The participants' faces are not visible in any of the material viewed by Semafor.

After the videos surfaced, Newhouse's office was told that a suspected participant was a member of their staff.


Yeah, this is nasty stuff.

The House may be divided on many issues of the day, but it looks like they're pretty bipartisan when it comes to sex tapes on Capitol Hill, so that's good.


Just more of the same from Washington, and it's no wonder our country is in a constant state of decay.

I think, though I say this cautiously, that we are at the point of no return.

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