Patriots in control! Patriots in control!
Just when we seemed to be at our darkest hour, a glimmer of hope arose.
The gospel of Dr Pepper is spreading like wildfire.

The sweet nectar of the gods has toppled the mighty Pepsi-Cola to become the nation's second-largest soda company.
After years of slowly gaining market share, Dr Pepper inched ahead of Pepsi as the number two soda brand in the country in 2023, according to market share data from Beverage Digest, a trade publication.
Coke is the leader by a comfortable margin. Last year, it captured 19.2% of the soda market in the United States by volume, Beverage Digest's data shows. Dr Pepper and Pepsi both had 8.3%, with Dr Pepper technically ahead. After that came other brands owned by Coca-Cola: Sprite came in at 8.1% and Diet Coke at 7.8%.
Slow and stead wins the race, baby.

I mean, yeah, Coca-Cola is still sitting atop of the heap, but there's no denying the greatness of Dr Pepper and that it will one day be the top dog in the soda industry.
I don't want to hear any of you complain that "sodas are poison" or "I don't even like [fill-in-the-blank]."
This isn't the time for that. This is a time of celebration of the world's greatest soft drink.

The anti-DP deep state has kept them down for far too long. The American people are fed up.
Today, Dr Pepper is experimenting with new flavors ... But the brand doesn't have to do too much to be on trend. "Swicy," or sweet and spicy, items are taking over the food and beverage aisle. Even Coca-Cola wants in: The company in February introduced Coca-Cola Spiced, a rare permanent addition to the lineup of Coke flavors.
Get rekt, Coke!
Dr Pepper is the OG American soda. It's older than Coke. It's older than Pepsi. It's from Texas. It has been unfairly treated for so long.
But no more.
P.S. Now check out our latest video ๐