Oh, the pain and torment of growing up in a conservative household!
Judeo-Christian values, two parents, personal responsibility... please, make it stop!
It turns out that when you grow up in a nice conservative household and want to "make it stop," you automatically turn into a woke, blue-haired tranny.
Who knew...
TikTokers, desperate for love from strangers on the internet, shared what they think to be "glow ups" after leaving their awful conservative households. Some of it may shock you.
Take this nice young lady, username Cheeryemojigirl:
Image credits: cherryemojigirlImage credits: cherryemojigirl
You may think she looks like a respectable young lady but look at these monsters she calls parents... Disney Land and a lovely day by the water... How could they?!
Well, she was somehow saved and turned into this:
Image credits: cherryemojigirl
Cherryemojigirl, from Utah, started this "glow up" trend a couple of years ago, and she got over 10.1 million views when she shared her story of moving out of her conservative household, dying her hair different colors, and pressing on tacky fake nails.
So stunning. So brave.
Check out some of these other so-called glow-ups!
First, you have the typical rainbow "I am just so funky and cool" looks:
Image credits: jaybaebae96Image credits: cybr.grlImage credits: thiiiisfoolia5150

And then you have those that went full trans/non-binary/make-believe:
Image credits: masondenverrImage credits: ashertattoosImage credits: captainofthecowsImage credits: myakateeImage credits: thiccydyke