It's not easy being a man. When the tire goes flat, who has to get out and change it? That's right. And what about taking out the garbage? We usually gotta do that, too, and let me tell you that's not as fun as it looks.
As for the flu...well, you know it and I know it: For some reason, colds and flu strike men particularly hard. It just levels us. The best you can do if your man has a mild illness is to be meltingly sympathetic, to bring him lots of soup and snacks, and to dote on him and in general indulge all of his pathetic needs as he lies on the couch and watches Netflix.
But now a group of mean, nasty scientists are trying to take that away from us:
Scientists have proved what most women suspected all along – men make too much fuss when they're feeling full of flu.
They studied flu-like symptoms in more than 100 men and women and found barely any differences when it came to runny noses, headaches, chills or sleep loss.
But researchers concluded that men's flu symptoms were milder on average – not more severe – than women's. ...
[T]he latest investigation, by researchers at the Medical University of Innsbruck in Austria, led to a conclusion that the term ‘man flu' should be dropped immediately.
This is false!

Look, "man flu" is one of the most rigorously documented phenomena in human history. Every wife, every girlfriend, every female friend — they all know how badly these illnesses affect us. It's science!
This can only reasonably interpreted as a massive microaggression against men. We must not let these prejudicial scientists stop us from living our truth.