There are now man-sized teddy bears made for lonely women and I guess this is how civilization ends
· Nov 16, 2022 ·

This is one of the wildest and creepiest things I've ever seen on the internet.

This company has started selling these human-sized teddy bears meant to bring comfort to sad husbandless women so they have someone to snuggle with.

This is just sad. I don't care who you are.

A man-sized bear for lonely single women.

The photos from the website are so creepy too! These are the photos the founders of the website put out there:

This is so weird.

It's insane to think there's a market of women out there lonely enough to buy this.

Look at the anguish of the bears:

Same vibes:


Oh, I'm just gonna share this again for fun:

Yup. Anyway...

Sweet Daddy Walsh sums it up well:

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