This couple was running late for their flight home and they left their baby at the airport check-in counter instead of buying an extra ticket
· Feb 2, 2023 ·

Traveling is difficult, especially when your baggage includes one medium-sized infant. And when you're running late for your flight, it gets even more dicey, and you have to make some quick decisions on the fly.

Like this couple:

No kidding, this Belgian couple was running late for their flight home from Tel Aviv, so they apparently decided that instead of buying an extra ticket for their infant they'd just leave the baby right there at the check-in counter.

Again, not joking.

I'm paraphrasing, but the Hebrew you're hearing says something along the lines of, "They just left it here."

Now, to be fair, we're not sure if these people just forgot about their baby or they simply didn't want to pay that extra 35 bucks to get the child home.

Either way, this is appalling.

Like, who just leaves a baby at the airport?

Nobody does.

Nobody loses track of their infant anywhere, let alone an airport.

Luckily, staff caught up with the couple before they could board their flight without their most precious cargo.

They were reportedly urged by Ryanair staff to return for their child and were ultimately detained by airport security and Israeli police. They missed their flight, news agency Israel Today said on Tuesday.

One of the few times I'll actually agree with someone being detained at the airport.

Because, yeah, you can't just abandon a baby at the airport.

If you want to abandon your kid, you have to visit an abortion clinic a few months earlier.

A Ryanair manager at the airport told Israeli news outlet Channel 12: "All our staff were in shock. We've never encountered anything like this. We couldn't believe what we were seeing."

According to Ryanair's website, babies can travel with their parents for a €25 (S$36) charge – or the local currency equivalent – for "each one-way flight the baby takes while sitting on an adult's lap". Parents can also choose to buy a separate seat.

A police spokesman said the matter appeared to have been resolved by the time police arrived at the airport.

"The baby was with the parents and there's no further investigation," the spokesman told CNN.

I sure hope this was a simple mistake.

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