I can't believe it, Trump's going to do it ... he's going to get me to vote for him again
· Feb 2, 2023 · NottheBee.com

After 2020 I was about done with Donald J. Trump.

His presidency was strong in some ways: He was of course infinitely better than Hillary Clinton, he did some good work, and I'm glad he was in the White House for those four years.

But for a variety of complex reasons I was ready to move on to someone new for 2024.

Then he goes and does this:

Former President Trump, in a video released Tuesday on his social media platform, vowed to punish doctors who provide gender-affirming health care to minors if he is reelected next year, wading into a contentious debate that has captured the attention of state and federal lawmakers on both sides of the aisle.

In the nearly four-minute-long, straight-to-camera video, Trump outlined his plan to "protect children from left-wing gender insanity," unveiling a slate of extreme policy proposals targeting transgender identities, including a federal law that recognizes only two genders and bars transgender women from competing on women's sports teams.

Of course, phrases like "gender-affirming health care" and "transgender women" are extremist progressive gobbledygook, so you just need to take Trump's words at face value: He's going to move to stop hospitals and doctors from butchering and poisoning confused young men and women in the name of gender ideology.

If he keeps talking like that then his name is gonna have a big fat checkmark on my ballot in 2024!

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