Men, this woke lady wants you to know you're "fatphobic" if you refuse to go out with her
· May 30, 2021 ·

Men, you will be attracted to this woman OR ELSE:

I'm not here to shame anyone in the physical fitness department, but I'm not the one demanding everyone declare their undying love for my dad bod, either.


Wokies like her will never leave us alone.

I couldn't care less whether you want to marry someone with washboard abs or if you find some extra real estate attractive.

The woke, however, will tell you that you are evil unless you use their preferred language, profess belief in all their creeds, and love them without question!

Gotta love how she tries to compare being overweight with being black tho! 😆 So desperate to feel persecuted!

The woke are a parody and I am here for every moment of it.

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