I have to hand it to misogynists everywhere: who would have guessed that the Handmaid's Tale would be ushered in through woke ideology??
In this op-ed for USA Today, Connecticut track star Chelsea Mitchell laments that she's trained her whole life only to be eclipsed by male athletes that identify as female.
"All I can think about is how all my training, everything I've done to maximize my performance, might not be enough, simply because there's a runner on the line with an enormous physical advantage: a male body."
This was the thought running through Mitchell's head in February 2020. While she managed to win that race against a male athlete, she's "lost four women's state championship titles, two all-New England awards, and numerous other spots on the podium to male runners."
Interestingly enough, the woke acolytes at USA Today actually ran this story, although they quickly put it behind a pay wall once it started blowing up on social.
What a great way to silence a young woman who's warning about the silencing of women in society!
A full version can still be read here.
What has Mitchell learned from the virtue-signaling boards that are allowing biological males to compete for the sake of wokeness?
"That's a devastating experience. It tells me that I'm not good enough; that my body isn't good enough; and that no matter how hard I work, I am unlikely to succeed, because I'm a woman."
Somewhere in an 18th-century Parisian village, a burly man named Gaston is applauding the news that his descendants will once again prove that men are the best at everything, even women's sports!

"Males have massive physical advantages. Their bodies are simply bigger and stronger on average than female bodies. It's obvious to every single girl on the track."
Since this is clearly a bigoted statement, the only solution is to ban every single girl from women's track post-haste.
After Mitchell and other girls filed a lawsuit against the Connecticut Interscholastic Athletic Conference (CIAC), a federal judge upheld the beliefs of Wokeism by dismissing the case.
This was probably the judge after hearing the case:

"Besides the psychological toll of experiencing unfair losses over and over, the CIAC's policy has more tangible harms for women. It robs girls of the chance to race in front of college scouts who show up for elite metes, and to compete for the scholarships and opportunities that come with college recruitment. I'll never know how my own college recruitment was impacted by losing those four state championship titles to a male. When colleges looked at my record, they didn't see the fastest girl in Connecticut. They saw a second- or third-place runner."
Translation: If only Mitchell had been born a boy, she'd be better able to succeed in today's America!

"It's not just happening to me. My friend and fellow plaintiff Selina Soule was bumped from qualifying for the state championship 55-meter final and an opportunity to qualify for the New England championship by a male runner in 2019. Meanwhile, Alanna Smith, an incredibly talented female athlete, was the second-place female runner in the 200-meter at the New England Regional Championships, but was dropped to third behind a male competitor."
Mitchell and her fellow athletes are appealing the court's decision to see if another court might actually uphold Title IX or if we're just going to erase women and their accomplishments completely.
Meanwhile, the weenies running our woke schools will continue to say this debasement of women is about acceptance, kindness, and tolerance.