This cleric wants to buy a Scottish island to establish an "Islamic homeland," but one based Anglican pastor wants to buy it "for Christendom" instead 🔥
· Jul 31, 2024 ·

Oh, nothing to see here ... just a radical Muslim cleric trying to buy an island for a sharia law-run Islamic state.

Sheikh Yasser al-Habib, an extremist scholar who even gets into trouble with other Muslims, recently tried to buy an island on the Canada-U.S. border. Luckily (this time), he and his followers couldn't afford the $8 million price tag.

Did I mention he already has his own army and runs "military-style training camps?"

Al-Habib told his followers he was initially drawn to Canada because it is a "generally welcoming" country with lax immigration laws.

He now has his eyes on an island called Torsa ("Thor's Island") off the west coast of Scotland, which has been uninhabited for over 50 years. He plans on instituting sharia law and building schools, hospitals, and mosques while operating under their own justice system.

Google Maps

What can go wrong?

45-year-old Al-Habib fled Kuwait and claimed asylum in Britain in 2004. Today, he preaches online to millions from his "global headquarters" in South Buckinghamshire.

This is the type of sicko who celebrated the Oct. 7 terror attack on Israel.

Who among us does not enjoy retaliation of the Zionist enemy? We were all buoyed by this news.

According to the Daily Mail, he's in "advanced talks" to buy the island and has already raised over £3 million for the purchase. His fundraising goal is £3.5 million.

Sarah Zaaimi, a deputy director for communications at the U.S. think-tank Atlantic Council who's been researching Al-Habib, said: "They will have their own army, their own justice system, they will manage their own schools and hospitals, and people from around the world will be able to migrate to this homeland."

It does challenge the notion of sovereignty. It's puzzling to me how the U.K. authorities are allowing such a discourse. You are fundraising for the creation of a sovereign country on the margins of another country.

In one of his videos, Al-Habib asks his followers for donations to help create his Islamic "homeland." He plans to negotiate with the government to allow Muslims "from around the world" to get visas so they can live on the island.

If you want to live free under the banner of the imam, in a special homeland where you feel everything in it reminds you of the awaited Mahdi, everything is the Shia homeland … support this project.

Shia Muslims are particularly focused on the arrival of the "Mahdi," their messianic figure who will rule the earth in the end times alongside Jesus Christ.

(You may recognize the word from the popular "Dune" books/films)

In another video, one of his followers is touring the island of Torsa and then shows images of Al-Habib's "army" named Al-Shurta Al-Khamis performing training drills at the cleric's Fulmer mosque.

Here, my brothers, God willing, we want to build a large mosque, a school and a hawza (Shia seminary). We want this place to be a homeland to the Shias and the believers.

Since arriving in the U.K. in 2004, Al-Habib has repeatedly caught the attention of the authorities.

Meanwhile, the news has caused a surge of Christian Brits to keep the island "for Christendom." Here's based anglican Calvin Robinson, who we've covered before:

They have a ways yet to go:

What a time to be alive!

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