This headline calling Elon Musk a "mediocre white man" is somehow real and not satire ๐Ÿ’€
ยท Mar 21, 2024 ยท


When I initially submitted a December 2022 article titled "Elon Musk is dumb," I understood why my colleagues at theGrio suggested an alternate headline. Even though I was not the first to suggest that Musk's brilliance was very overrated, many people still believe that achieving wealth requires a higher form of intelligence. Still, as an African American who has also never invented anything or founded an automobile company, I firmly believe that Musk's reputation as a transcendent genius was vastly overhyped.

His argument is that Elon Musk is just a dumb "self-assured white boy."

The entire interview could've been titled "Elon Musk's New Clothes," seeing that the emperor of X was exposed as just another self-assured white boy echoing the same white nonsense espoused by Joe Rogan's followers on white Twitter.

See, Elon doesn't understand eQuiTy or rAciSm and thinks leftists are trying to destabilize the country by replacing citizens - particularly the white Christian ones who oppose the leftist agenda - with millions of illegals.

In Musk's convoluted alternative theory, the Democrat-leaning "illegals" counted in the census count are skewing the congressional apportionment and Electoral College count to blue states like California and New York.


Illegal immigrants are in fact counted by the US Census Bureau. Congressional seats are appointed based on the population of a district. Deep-blue cities are inviting migrants in by the millions.

Musk explained how lowering standards for the sake of diversity ultimately results in unqualified people producing substandard outcomes. While this oft-regurgitated Caucasian talking point seems like a logical conclusion, when Lemon pressed Musk for evidence of DEI-induced lower standards, Musk could not produce a single piece of evidence.

Okay, here's a piece of evidence:

Essentially, this guy's whole argument is that Elon is stupid because he 1) made a mainstream political observation and 2) thinks prioritizing skin color and sexuality over data is deadly.

Meanwhile, here's what Elon has done in just the last week:

Imagine being such a black supremacist that all you see here is a "white boy"!

I'll leave you with two choices.

Either Don Lemon's world ...

Or Elon Musk's world ...

Choose wisely!

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