Goodness, this is an actual photo!
I'm a normal person, so my first thought is, "Oh, it's a group of millennials who all look like they shop at Whole Foods and want to speak to the manager. Cool."
But since I've been trained in the woke arts, my second thought is "look at all the white cis women!"
The same people who lecture us ad nauseam about "diversity" (and consider diversity to be solely skin deep) are the whitest group of generic valley girls on the planet.
Even George Washington knows what's up:
Like I said, the memes make themselves!
But that's not all.
Oh no, my friends. Let's get a closer look at some of these fine Gen Z professionals who want to posture themselves as our moral superiors every day as they stump for career criminals like Nancy Pelosi.
First, it's good to see that the girl from the "Triggered Lib" meme is doing well for herself.
Second, they are doing a good job with this Legally Blonde reboot:

At least one of the woke press corps members isn't white:
And at least one didn't seem to be super enthusiastic:
As I said, these are the people that supposedly keep dEmoCraCy from dYiNg iN dArKnEss. They are the ones responsible for keeping powerful politicians from getting away with corruption, crime, and tyranny.
If your congressman is up to no good, you better believe they'll jump right on it... as long as that congressman is a Republican and they've been given approval to shred them by the Dems.