I saw this absolute filth cross my feed and it immediately sent me into flashback mode.

This guy wants to go back! Back to "emergency" status. Back to constant testing. Back to "contact tracing." Back to 20-freaking-20.
Here are the problems Aron Solomon, who is not a doctor but is a "Chief Strategy Officer" has identified.
One factor is the high transmissibility of newer variants. The virus has continued to mutate, with certain variants displaying enhanced ability to spread, even among populations with high vaccination rates. While vaccines remain effective at preventing severe disease and death, breakthrough infections are becoming more common, especially as immunity from earlier vaccinations wanes.
So ... the vaccines are all still really great and all. BUT ... they wear off and all. That's why Fauci has had 6 shots and still got Covid 3 times.

Second, the widespread relaxation of public health measures has created an environment conducive to transmission. Mask mandates, social distancing guidelines and restrictions on large gatherings have all but disappeared. This return to normalcy, while massively psychologically and economically beneficial, has provided the virus with ample opportunities to spread.
You want me to wear a mask again? Is that what this is about? You want to ban "large gatherings?" You want to reimplement social distancing?

Finally, the pervasive sense of pandemic fatigue has led to a serious decline in vigilance. Many people, weary of the pandemic's disruptions to their lives, have become markedly less cautious. This complacency, coupled with the underestimation of the virus's ability to adapt, has allowed COVID-19 to regain a foothold.
You have to start worrying again!
"You aren't afraid of Covid every minute of every day? That's why we're all getting the flu now! How dare you LIVE YOUR NORMAL LIFE!"
This is his conclusion. It's insanity.
We all need to prepare for not only the possibility of continued disruptions but for another new normal that might be a little closer to 2020 than how we've recently been living. That means preparing for future waves and the long-term implications of a world in which COVID-19 remains a persistent, if manageable, threat.
We've returned to TOO normal. If we want to survive the WuFlu we have to live the rest of our lives - the rest of our lives! - closer to 2020 than 2019.
Seriously, these people are sick in the head.
P.S. Now check out our latest video 👇