This is always what "decolonization" has meant. There's only one path out of this.

Joel Abbott

Oct 9, 2023

They want to kill you.

Not only that, but they want to take your home, hurt your family, destroy everything you have worked for, and remove your name from the earth. Take it from this Somali woman in Minnesota:

All the people out there talking about "decolonialism," "de-centering whiteness," "equity," and "social justice" only have one endgame in mind, and you should understand it if you want to quite literally sacrifice yourself, your neighbors, and your nation on the altar of their bloodlust.

The only way there is "freedom" for "occupied" lands is if the land is free of you.

That's the end result of this Marxist game we're playing.

You have to completely ignore history - how lands have been conquered again and again by various peoples, the global history of migration and human civilization, the context of Western exploration within the fractious, warring realities of American tribes, and a thousand other considerations in order to conclude "white European/Jewish/Christian people bad, people with dark skin tones good," and then you've got to make a huge jump over your conscience to conclude that all those "colonizers" need to die, but here we are. We are there. This is what they are calling for.

And in this horrible nexus of evil, a Somali woman who has far less claim to Minnesota than the "evil white interlopers" who built the cities there and allowed refugees to live among them is considered a righteous voice for the oppressed.

But it's not just her. Here is a professor at UC Santa Cruz:

And another professor in Texas:

The point of Marxism has always been to divide people into "oppressor" and "oppressed" so that we can justify hatred and jealousy. It never liberates people, but enslaves them to their worst vices and sinful nature, PLUS it ends up with millions dead and society fractured.

If you have the time, let me end with a rather long story:

I spent several days in Israel a decade ago after a semester studying colloquial Arabic in Jordan. I spent months there being immersed in the Bedouin culture that most Palestinians share. When I went to Jerusalem, I stayed on the Mount of Olives in a Palestinian neighborhood, and after living among Palestinians/Jordanians (these were not concepts or nationalities until very recently in human history), I saw many things through their lens.

I noted the massive Israeli flag flying near my hotel on the top of the Mount of Olives and noted how it seemed like the flag of a conquerer over the conquered.

I saw the way society was completely divided between two cultures that were completely incompatible on a fundamental level. Here was a blurry pic I captured of the wall around the Palestinian neighborhoods of Bethlehem:

I saw how the Arabs had placed their mosque - the second most famous in Islam - right where the Jewish temple had been before the Romans tore it down in 70 AD. I saw likewise how the Jews had built a lamp stand according to the instructions God gave Moses that, as my tour guide even said, would be placed when, not if, the new temple was built.

On my way back from a tour to Caesarea Phillipi along the coast, I shared a taxi with an American couple from Ohio. The wife was a Jewish American with family in Israel. As we were driving into the mountains from the coast, the driver realized that I was staying on the eastern, Palestinian side of Jerusalem (more atypical for a tourist), while the Ohio couple was in the modern Jewish area with the Radisson and other hotels.

He asked if he could get them another taxi because he would need to make an extra 40-min drive to drop us both off, which would involve extra security checkpoints for him. The Ohio couple got angry and told him no. When he pressed on the issue, the wife called her cousin in the Jerusalem police department and put her on the phone to quite literally threaten the man if he didn't drop us both off.

I stayed quiet until the couple left, and then I apologized to the man and had one of the most raw talks I've ever had with a stranger as we drove back through the Old City.

"The chosen people," he scoffed as he asked if he could light a cigarette.

I heard him talk about all the daily difficulties and prejudices he faced as a second-class citizen in Israel. He was a man without hope.

It is true: Israel is often very oppressive. There are times it has to be, but other times its people look down on the Palestinians as subhuman and justify taking land because it once belonged to their ancestors. Likewise, the Palestinians are also oppressors in the way many among them want to totally eradicate the Jews. Hamas, which controls the population and uses them as literal cannon fodder, tortures and brainwashes its own people in ways that would make George Orwell blush.

This is an epic struggle of "an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth" going back thousands of years into the ancient past - since the Israelites first wrestled with the Philistines and the Canaanite kingdoms that had settled in the land bought by Abraham while they were enslaved in Egypt. The Jews and Arabs both claim sonship to Abraham - the Jews through Isaac and the Arabs through Ishmael. The last time those brothers did anything together, at least as recorded in the Bible, was to bury their father. Since then, the mistake of Abraham in not trusting God for an heir has continued to haunt world history.

"Decolonization" merely adds another bloody cycle in this endless struggle.

What we need to escape the cycle is the One who has broken the cycle of death itself. And here is what he says:

You have heard that it was said, An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. But I tell you, don't resist an evildoer. On the contrary, if anyone slaps you on your right cheek, turn the other to him also. As for the one who wants to sue you and take away your shirt, let him have your coat as well. And if anyone forces you to go one mile, go with him two. Give to the one who asks you, and don't turn away from the one who wants to borrow from you.

"You have heard that it was said, Love your neighbor and hate your enemy. But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, so that you may be children of your Father in heaven.

This is the only way forward, friends. This is how you defeat oppression and the oppressor, not the way of the commies.

Train and fight to defend the innocent. Uphold true justice. But love mercy, love your enemies, be willing to sacrifice yourself to demonstrate that radical love to people who hate you. Laugh at death. Proclaim the hope of the resurrection.

Welcome to how you "turn the world upside down."

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