This was Don Lemon's "take" on how GOP Sen. Josh Hawley thinks criminals, not guns are the problem:
Seriously, what is this? What's the counterargument here? That if we ban aSsAuLt wEaPoNs, criminals will turn into model citizens? That the very act of touching a gun is like taking a hit of heroin?
It's like saying: "Man thinks forks aren't the problem – people overeating is."
No duh, Sherlock.
I'll go really slow here for Don and and other leftist journalists that might be reading:
Yes, criminals ARE the problem.
Here are some other startling revelations that CNN might be surprised to learn:
- Water is wet
- The sky is blue
- Gravity is real
- A five-ounce bird can't carry a one-pound coconut
I mean, c'mon Don! Of course Hawley – and every other person with an iota of common sense who understands human nature – knows that criminals are the problem.
Guns don't shoot by themselves, just like knives don't stab by themselves and cars don't mow down pedestrians by themselves.
For that matter, wrenches don't tighten bolts by themselves and hammers don't hit nails by themselves.
Here's the original clip that the screenshot was taken from. In it, Lemon talks about how we need to take away access to "high-powered" miLiTaRy sTyLe weapons while citing the Capitol riot... where there's no evidence any rioter brought or used a gun.
No matter how much the talking heads in the media scream at the sky, wishing away modern firearms technology won't make criminals go back to using pointy sticks and rocks any more than banning the wheel would make them give up their cars.
In other words: Baddies gonna bad.
America's wise founders thought the best defense against said baddies was to make sure every person was trained and equipped to defend life in both home and the public square.
But I guess millionaire NYC reporters with their own security details wouldn't know a thing about that.