This is hands down the best ultrasound picture you'll ever see✌️
· Feb 7, 2023 ·

Indiana couple Kyle and Abby Weener went in for a routine ultrasound last week and came out with the greatest ultrasound picture of all time.

Expectant dad, Kyle Weener, posted the ultrasound picture to Facebook.

31 weeks in and Ellie's living her best life! Peace out!

Their daughter must have wanted to give mom and dad a sign to let them know how she was doing in there.

I wonder how long it will be before she peaces out of the womb.

The ultrasound tech and nurses told the parents they had never seen anything quite like that on an ultrasound before.

Kyle told WGN,

It's a great reminder that God is building this little being inside my wife.

For someone who hasn't even been born yet, Ellie sure has a lot of personality. I have a feeling she's going to be one groovy girl.

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