I want you to imagine for a moment that a young white conservative grabbed a gun and showed up outside the home of a liberal Supreme Court justice to kill him or her for supporting Roe v. Wade.
Can you imagine the media response? I can practically HEAR Brian Stelter and Joy Reid salivating from here.

We would have 24/7 coverage for weeks. The president would speak about it. Congress would be enraged. There would be marches on Washington. We would hear about the ravages of "domestic extremists" for weeks as abortion and gun-control enthusiasts call for politicians to DO SOMETHING.
But this is all a hypothetical.
A young white man did just try to kill a Supreme Court justice. But he's a pro-abortion leftist, so the story won't get more than a minute of airtime.
Nicholas John Roske is the armed, zip-tie carrying suspect who is accused of threatening to kill U.S. Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh.
Roske's name was released via an unsealed arrest affidavit. Online records say Nicholas Roske, 26, is from Simi Valley, California. A LinkedIn page in the name of Nicholas Roske of Simi Valley says that he worked as an office manager at a pest control company.
Roske specifically tried to kill Kavanaugh because Kavanaugh believes the right to life supersedes a woman's "right" to convenience-through-murder.
Threats against the court have been a rising concern since the leak of a draft memo that indicated the court, including Kavanaugh, may overturn Roe v. Wade.
That leak drove Roske's anger; in addition, he was angry because he thought Kavanaugh would help loosen gun control laws after mass shootings, the affidavit alleges.
Let me remind you that they STILL have not caught the person who purposely leaked that draft memo with the goal of stirring up anger like this.
You know how the Dems are launching Hollywood-produced coverage of the January 6th riot? Those same Dems are everything they accuse those trespassing grandmas of doing.
The arrest affidavit says that, at 1:05 a.m., June 8, 2022, two United States Deputy Marshals saw "an individual dressed in black clothing and carrying a backpack and a suitcase" get out of a taxicab in front of Kavanaugh's home.
Roske is accused of saying that he was "thinking about how to give his life a purpose and decided that he would kill the Supreme Court Justice after finding the Justice's Montgomery County address on the Internet."
The affidavit alleges that, when Roske got out of the taxicab that stopped in front of Kavanaugh's residence, he looked at two deputy U.S. Marshals who were standing next to their parked vehicle and then turned to walk down the street.
Thank the Lord that there were U.S. Marshals there. After the young man saw them, he left like a little cowardly bug, then called 911 and said he was contemplating suicide.
He told the call taker he came from California to "kill a specific United States Supreme Court justice," the court records contend.
Authorities responded and arrested Roske.
Roske "further indicated that the had purchased the Glock pistol and other items for the purpose of breaking into the justice's residence and killing the Justice as well as himself," the affidavit says.
Roske was also upset that Kavanaugh doesn't support gun control, which makes his attempt to kill Kavanaugh by buying a firearm totally logical.
Roske told authorities he was "upset about the leak of a recent Supreme Court draft decision regarding the right to abortion as well as the recent school shooting in Uvalde, Texas," the affidavit says. "Roske indicated that he believed the Justice that he intended to kill would side with Second Amendment decisions that would loosen gun control laws."
"I'm gonna prove we need to confiscate guns by shooting you with a gun!"
This is clearly a disturbed young man, but he seemingly comes from a regular family.
The affidavit says that authorities searched Roske's suitcase and backpack and found the following items: A black tactical chest rig and tactical knife, a Glock 17 pistol with two magazines and ammunition, pepper spray, zip ties, a hammer, a screwdriver, nail punch, crow bar, duct tape, hiking boots with padding on the outside of the soles, and other items.
Roske's father Vernon Roske is an insurance agent, according to his LinkedIn page, and his mother works in special education, GovSalaries reports. Her Facebook page was deleted shortly after the incident; there were not any visible political posts on it.
Roske lives in California and previously lived in Seattle. He, in many ways, expresses the embodiment of the political angst of the young, violent left – the same angst that burned down cities while chanting for "no USA at all" in 2020 and was called "mostly peaceful" by the media.
That same media will continue to turn a blind eye to the violence. It would not-so-silently CHEER if Kavanaugh were actually harmed or killed.
Let's not forget that the White House Press Secretary supported demonstrations outside the justices homes just a few weeks ago, in clear contradiction of the law, and no one held the Biden administration to the fire for those opinions.
We are entering into a tumultuous time. There will be more violence. Our nation is breaking down. The bonds that unite us will, "in the course of human events," eventually be dissolved.
But a lot of regular people who aren't paying attention are going to be surprised when that happens. They are the ones who need to understand who is trying to dissolve this nation.
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