Watch this Ohio mom reveal the curriculum in her kid's 5th-grade health class 🤨
· Sep 11, 2024 ·

This mom is sounding the warning about what her public school in a small conservative suburb of Akron, Ohio, is teaching 10-year-olds in "health" class.

[Warning: Discussion of graphic sexual content in cartoon form]

Beyond disgusting.

They literally showed a cartoon of a kid pleasuring himself, presumably while watching porn, and tell kids it's totally cool.

This is made for fifth graders!!!

We've covered this "Amaze" curriculum from ETR before (Planned Parenthood is involved as well), and it's spread everywhere. You might want to check your kids' schools. 👇

This mom just happened to do her research.

How many busy moms and dads simply signed the permission slip without a second thought, never imagining that the class would teach their kids they could masturbate as many times in a day as they wanted?

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