NBC is the new CNN, change my mind.
There are at least three things in this post that hurt my brain so much on a Monday because they are so dadgum stupid.
Read the post, but take some preventative Tylenol first.
There's so much horrible reporting going on in this headline alone, before even clicking the article, that it boggles the mind.

It's tough to know where to even start, so I'll just take the article one step at a time.
The Biden administration is asking Mexico to help curb the huge flow of migrants into the U.S. ...
The Biden administration is so incompetent on the border that they're just giving up on pretending they're going to do anything about it.
They want Mexico to do the work for them.
We put up a giant welcome sign, put out doormats, did everything we could to let people know to come to America with no restrictions, and now we are asking Mexico to do our job for us.

Moving on...
... as Biden runs out of options to fix a problem ...

For three years, Biden has done everything within his power to destroy our southern border.
His officials have actively encouraged millions to illegally immigrate.
But according to NBC he he has "run out of options."

You know, if the Biden admin truly thinks they have "run out of options," why not ask me? I have LOTS of options they haven't tried.
Like, I don't know, building a wall? Or how about just closing ports of entry? Or even turning some people away at the border?
Those are the moderate solutions.
We also have the option of using our military to defend our southern border and using immigration enforcement to deport illegal aliens.
Those are just a few options that the Biden folks have somehow missed!

But what do I know? They're the adults in charge, right?
Oh, and the headline from NBC didn't end there.
There's one more part we HAVE to dissect.
... that is hurting his polling.

According to NBC the REAL tragedy of the border crisis isn't all the drugs, cheap labor, crime, and cultural subversion coming across the border.
No, the REAL problem is that it's hurting Joseph Biden's poll numbers!

Everyday Americans in virtually every state are suffering thanks to the border crisis created by the administration, but the REAL tragedy is that it's hurting Joe's polling.
I can't even, y'all. I cannot even.
P.S. Now check out our latest video π