This new police footage is a great reminder that a president of the U.S. came within millimeters of being assassinated less than a month ago and we still don't have answers
· Aug 8, 2024 ·

We need to not get distracted by the dangling carrots and keep the chatter going about the cosmic shift in human history that very nearly happened on July 13.

This bodycam footage obtained by Fox News doesn't really answer anything other than why it took so dang long for someone to find a freaking ladder, but I'm going to share it so you can continue to mull over that day.

Video 1:

Video 2:

The media really wants us to talk about something else - anything else.

The officials at the FBI and Secret Service who keep contradicting each other while under oath would also love if you got distracted.

Don't stop talking about it. Don't let them memory hole this.

Do you know how close we came to a wildly different world? Have you stopped to think about what that alternate timeline would have looked like?

Why don't we have any real answers about the shooter or the security failures yet?

P.S. Now check out our latest video 👇

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