This photo from a Canadian press briefing is going viral. May I present the Woke Fellowship of the Ring.
· Apr 5, 2023 ·

"You have my hormone blockers."

"And my wig!"

"And my rainbow gloves."

Look, they even have a wizard!

A warlock:

A bard:

A halfling:

A paladin:

And a rogue named "Scarlett Bobo" (That is the actual drag name of the dude in this wig):

This new Dungeons & Dragons movie is gonna be lit!

The only thing they forgot is their druid...

You might think this is a fake photo, but my friends, this is a screenshot from an actual press briefing held by an Ontario parliament member on Tuesday for the "2SLGBTQ+" community.

Here's the video if you want a laugh:

"The topic that brings us here is DEADLY serious," says the insane politician.


This parliament member, Kristyn Wong-Tam, is introducing a bill that would fine Canadians $25,000 for saying anything deemed "hate" within 100 meters of a member of the gay rainbow cult.

Some reactions from across the internet:

Remember, everyone: We need "Trans Days of Visibility" because this extremely marginalized and mentally healthy group doesn't get enough attention.

Oh, and if you disagree with their sick fetishes, delusions, and desire to groom and mutilate kids, you are a fascist bigot who deserves to have your money and freedom taken away!

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