This Fox reporter savaged her bosses LIVE ON AIR, says she's releasing evidence to Project Veritas proving the network "muzzles" journalists to keep information from the public 🍿
· Jun 15, 2021 ·

Reporter Ivory Hecker for Fox 26 in Houston outed her own network during a live segment, claiming they "muzzle" journalists by forcing them to stick to scripted narrative:

I want to let you the viewers know that Fox Corp has been muzzling me to keep certain information from you, the viewer. And from what I'm gathering, I'm not the only reporter being subjected to this.

I am going to be releasing some recordings about what goes on behind the scenes at Fox because it applies to you the viewer. I found a non-profit journalism group called Project Veritas who is going to help put that out tomorrow, so tune into them.

Project Veritas says it will release the video Tuesday evening. Considering the reveal video racked up over 1.7 million views in the first 12 hours, I have a feeling people are pretty interested in what she has to say.

After the segment, Hecker went on to claim the network punishes reporters when someone they interview says something they don't like.

They send a reporter out there, they don't like what the person said, and they they turn around and punish the reporter. Does that make any sense? No.

But I guess I'm supposed to know the narrative and stick with it instead of sticking with the facts.

I can't comment on the validity of the claims, but Project Veritas isn't known to publish things without credibility or importance.

Personally, I'm just enjoying my time on Twitter, watching lefties choose between their hate for Fox News and their hate for Project Veritas!

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