Somehow I think this dude needs more than $1 million USD to offer, but you've got to wonder how much dissent there is in the Russian ranks and if any of them might be thinking of turning in ol' Vlad:
Alex Konanykhin is a California-based businessman who is heavy into the crypto game. He hasn't lived in Russia since the fall of the USSR, but he apparently doesn't like the bear-riding ex-KGB spook who's running the Motherland.
Konanykhin claimed that Putin had violated the Russian constitution by "eliminating free elections" and "murdering his opponents."
"As an ethnic Russian and a Russia citizen, I see it as my moral duty to facilitate the denazification of Russia. I will continue my assistance to Ukraine in its heroic efforts to withstand the onslaught of Putin's Orda," Konanykhin said, using the Russian word for "horde."
Konanykhin told Insider that he had put up the bounty — which will come from his own funds — to show that the military assault on Ukraine is not being conducted in his name.
"If enough other people make similar statements, it may increase the chances of Putin getting arrested and brought to justice," he added.
You may be wondering if Alex is afraid Putin will put some contact poison in his underwear or radioactive isotopes in his tea, but Alex points out that Mafia-Don Vlad has a lot of enemies on his hands these days.
When asked about whether he feared reprisal from Putin, the businessman said: "Putin is known to murder his opponents. He has millions of them now."
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