A Spanish teenager named Andres Canto got into a heated argument with his parents regarding the fact that he really thought he was gonna wear a tracksuit down to the village in La Romana.
Yes, that's really what they were arguing about.
Apparently wearing a tracksuit to the village is a big no-no in the Canto household.
Well, after a while Andres didn't care about the tracksuit anymore, and he was over the whole "arguing with your parents" thing. So he went to the back yard and started smacking the ground with his grandfather's pickaxe to blow off some steam. It wasn't long before Canto found himself digging out an entire underground den where he could eventually hang out without the inconvenience of having to hear his parents' lame opinions.
Here's the story, since you probably don't believe me:
So he began the work with the pickaxe, but soon a friend of his brought over a pneumatic drill, which helped a lot.
Between the two of them, the project became a 9.8-foot-deep (3-meter) cave, occupying the young men for up to 14 hours a week.
14 hours a week! Good on ya, boys!
And check out the amenities this kid's got going on:
The cave...has a bedroom and sitting room, a heating system, Wi-Fi from his mobile phone transmitting from the cave entrance, and a music system. The temperature is a constant 68–70 degrees (20–21C) between May and September.
Now that's amazing!
Here, check out this video he took of his little "brat cave" just last week (Andres is now 20 years old, btw).
Andres doesn't mind the insects, spiders, and snails that often accompany him in his den (it comes with the territory), and he plans on expanding his little dwelling in the future.
And I just have to say: as a father and husband I'm actually quite jealous of what this kid's got going on here.
And if you'll excuse me I'm gonna go call Diggers Hotline now.