A toddler down in Alabama snuck out of his daycare and walked to Walmart to buy Hot Wheels
· Sep 21, 2024 · NottheBee.com

Three-year-old Sir Paxton was at Kiddie Care Learning Center in Dothan, Alabama, when he took it upon himself to go on a little shopping spree.

The toddler left the daycare, apparently climbing a 6-foot chain link fence, crossed an access road and a street, and went into a Walmart, where he found some snacks and Hot Wheels.

During his shopping trip, a store employee who happened to know Sir Paxton noticed him and called the police. The boy was then returned to his daycare.

Based on surveillance video from the daycare, the toddler was gone for more than 20 minutes before the store employee found him. It's not clear if anyone at the daycare noticed him missing during that time, but his mom, Jasmine Najee says that no one notified her of the incident until almost an hour later.

Najee said that she is grateful that her son is ok, but holds the daycare responsible for negligence.

The daycare owner responded in a statement saying,

I am deeply sorry, to the child in our care, the parents, and those affected by this situation. As the director and owner, I take full responsibility for our failure to ensure the safety of those in our care - a duty I've always held as my highest priority.

The daycare says that they are taking measures to ensure the same situation doesn't happen again ... I think parents will need more reassurance than that.

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