A lot can change in 100 years, and not always for the better.
The Spanish Flu killed at least 25 million people worldwide – many of them young and healthy. Compare this document from the U.S. government a century ago to what God-of-Science Fauci and the White House is saying today:
Influenza is caused by a germ, the influenza bacilus, which lives but a short time outside of the body. Fresh air and sunshine kill the germ in a few minutes.
Imagine if the government had told people this with Covid. UV light vaporizes the 'Rona, so closing parks while locking people in their homes (especially for an aerosolized virus) was about the dumbest thing governments could have done. Who knows how many vulnerable people were infected because of that backwards thinking?
Here's perhaps the most important advice:
Protect yourself from infection, keep well, and do not get hysterical over the epidemic.
In 2021, our governments are actively encouraging hysteria!

Australia is shipping healthy people to literal concentration camps with barbed wire, European countries have police roaming around to check your vax papers, China has too many horrors to even mention here, and U.S. cities like San Fran and New York are going to require 5-year-olds to have a vax for a virus that's not a threat to them if they want to go anywhere in public.
We also have a madman career bureaucrat on TV all the time, spouting off nonsense about how HE IS THE SCIENCE, and there are people still walking around masked up in bubbles while enjoying the outdoors.
"Hysteria" might be too soft of a word, actually!
You can do much to lessen the danger to yourself by keeping in good physical condition.
Around 90% of all deaths have been in nations where at least half the population is obese. Outside of age, obesity (and thus health of the heart, lungs, and other organs) is perhaps the most crucial factor in outcome. But instead of telling young, healthy people to go work and exercise, we kept them on their couches for a year eating free donuts as a reward for a vaccine.
Speaking of donuts...
Eat simple, nourishing food and drink plenty of water. Avoid constipation. Secure at least seven hours of sleep. Avoid physical fatigue.

For the protection of others, if you are really sick stay at home and remain there until the fever is over. A day in bed at the beginning may also save you from serious consequences later on.
Today, we have the added benefits of rapid testing and other fun tools (like medicine straight out of sci-fi) to help, which means we should be even less worried about the 'Rona.
Fight the disease rationally and do not become unduly alarmed.
Compare that to the giant CNN death clock and Dr. Fauci holding press conferences to talk about how you'll probably melt into a puddle of goo if you don't wear 84 masks and a trash bag on your head.
The government document from 1918 also ends with a suggestion to take readily-available aspirin... and hey, looks like you can probably do that for Covid too!!