The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms social media team thought it would be hilarious to send out this tweet soliciting people to turn in their exes on Valentine's for illegal gun activity.
Okay, it's trying to be cute but ends up psychotic. It's manipulative and plays on people's vindictiveness and cruelty.
But we can ignore all that and get to the fun stuff!
When a government agency asks about illegal gun activity, like buying, selling, or trading guns, it's a good idea to flood their replies with tips that point them in the direction of real criminals.

Biden gifted, like, 80 billion in weapons to the Taliban. And I'm pretty sure they didn't go through a background check first.

Hunter Biden was being investigated by ATF for throwing a gun in a dumpster and the Secret Service stepped in to stop the investigation.
And, oh yeah, remember how Hunter Biden lied on a gun application and violated federal law?
Two tips on the same criminal! What a lucky day for the ATF!
Not only that, but there's one more HUGE gun deal that Republicans are eager to bring up to the ATF:
Yep, a certain ex did illegally give guns to Mexican drug cartels.
I don't know who at the ATF thought this would be a good idea, but I'm glad they are learning their lesson now thanks to right-wing Twitter trolls.
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