Man, I hope this guy never learns about that "totalitarian" movie director Wes Anderson.
Here's a real tweet from a self-proclaimed "smart" man:
Bukele has an orderly and clean cabinet room. The pictures are symmetrical. The flags are placed perfectly.
If that isn't fascistic dictatorship then I don't know what is!
This is your brain on Hollywood.
"Order is bad! Darth Vader wears a cape! Powerful aesthetics are the devil! I'm scared of the Christian man in a cape!"
El Salvador's fairly-elected president - the man who made the world's most dangerous country safer than the United States - had some fun at Mr. Graham's expense.
This is the level of intellect we're dealing with, people. Some lefties are incapable of looking beyond their pre-programmed ideas.
He gets his entire political philosophy from George Costanza:

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