Gimme one of these American country boys over an F-15 any day:
The one-handed catch!
Unfortunately, like literally everything these days, this video has basically led us to the brink of civil war:
Here's my two cents: Why go to Walmart for a Bidenflation chicken grown in a crowded factory farm when you could shoot your free-range dinner right off the back porch?
Maybe all the millennial whiners should remember that the meat in their Chipotle burrito doesn't just magically appear behind the glass partition at the restaurant.
But I gotta say, this video does show how we have two competing religions in this country. One where a man, made in God's image to fill and subdue the world for God's glory, exerts the rights given to him by God – and another where man worships animals and the earth as his god.
If you wanna know what's actually gonna lead to civil war, think on that for a bit!
P.S. Now check out our latest video 👇