This video of a woman calmly assassinating someone on a busy NYC sidewalk is so unbelievably disturbing. America, we need to have a conversation.
· Aug 6, 2021 ·

I have to warn you that this video is extremely graphic. It literally shows a woman being assassinated by a shot to the head, with several other followup shots to the torso to ensure the victim was dead.

The incident happened in Prospect Heights in New York City on Tuesday and the victim was 42-year-old Delia Johnson.

[Warning Again: Extremely Graphic]

Johnson was standing under that scaffolding, enjoying a quiet evening by talking with the people on the steps. She showed no aggression, and there is little indication of what prompted the crime.

The fact that the assassin so nonchalantly approached her and shot her in the back of the head before strolling away and calmly getting into her SUV is so unbelievably insane and so disgustingly cold.

Here is video of Johnson's mother addressing the killer:

America, grifters have made a ton of money yelling "black lives matter" over the past year. We're being told that "whiteness" and systemic racism are the problem.

In the meantime, our cities are experiencing a huge uptick in violent crime. So many lives – especially black lives – are being taken in this scourge.

Our garbage media complex won't talk about them because this coldhearted assassin doesn't fit their profile. They have, in every way, made this nation worse by peddling lies and turning people against each other while real lives are being consumed in the chaos.

America, we need to wake up.

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