Tayvia Woodfork gave birth to a baby boy in the toilet at a Golden Corral buffet. She was 37 weeks pregnant, had no clue, and gave surprise birth to a 6lb 1oz healthy baby boy at the all-you-can-eat buffet.
Tayvia Woodfork made a beeline for the bathroom when her family stopped for lunch at the all-you-can-eat chain in North Little Rock, Arkansas.
'She was complaining that her stomach hurt ...'
I'm not a doctor or a woman, but I know enough about basic biology to wonder how in the world this woman did not know she was almost full-term with a human being inside her.
If you're a bigoted, fatphobic dude like I am, you'll assume this lady must have been too overweight to realize she was with child.
But, nope.

The tall skinny lady is the one who didn't know she was pregnant!
Again ... How???
A "cryptic pregnancy" is where a person doesn't experience any symptoms of pregnancy and so the whole thing sneaks up on them.
I just have a tough time buying it in this case.
Moments after paramedics arrived, Tayvia gave birth to a healthy 6 pound, 1 ounce, baby boy.
'They were still trying to figure out what was going on when she goes, "It's out! It's out!"' [Tayvia's mom] Tameka recalls. 'The baby was in the toilet.'
They walked out of the toilet, baby boy in tow, and got a round of applause from the patrons at Golden Corral.

What a time to be alive.
Golden Corral even gave the baby boy a gift basket and a gift card for the family when they returned to the scene a month later.
Woodfork calls her baby boy "Golden" after the restaurant and his official name is Tamaar Kylon Corral Woodfork.
God bless America.
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