Okay, so here's a great primer on how Marxism works for those who still don't quite get it:
Yeah, that's crazy, but there are a bunch of people who think like her, and it's only getting worse as we use this stuff as an excuse to get fat (go on a walk, y'all).
So Karl Marx, AKA Dummie McDumbface, thought the entire world could be split into oppressor vs. oppressed.
But how do you define who is oppressed? Anyone can be oppressed in a thousand different ways at different times.
Marx saw it as a monetary class battle, but other people started realizing that they felt oppressed in other ways and started to adopt his philosophies for ethnicity, sex, ability, lifestyle, origin, and fetish.

The woman in the video has "privilege" because there are people larger than her, so only the most obese person on the planet can claim to not have any privilege and therefore be exempt from being in the oppressor class.

The way you calculate your oppressor score (the goal is to be as little evil as possible) is to drop you physical traits into the Woke-O'-Matic to see where you come out.
For example: I'm not able to run a mile in five minutes and I have big feet that make it hard to find shoes, but I'm also a white man who believes in Jesus so I automatically have negative points.

Keep tracking with me: Here is where Marxism falls apart.
This "privilege" idea is actually the type of greedy capitalism the Marxists complain about constantly.
- First, it makes everyone come up with a list of special ways they feel oppressed as a way to feel unique, which actually asserts the type of radical individualism that collectivist Marxists complain about.
- Second, it creates an incentivization structure like the worst of all pyramid schemes – you know, the ones where women spend thousands of dollars in a desperate bid to sell people overpriced stuff that nobody wants.
People respond this way because we are transactional (i.e. relational) beings. Marx was fundamentally wrong about human nature.

Just like we sign up for "reward" programs that make us feel more important even though it's a gimmick to get us to spend more dough, this woke cult creates ways to get us to invest in its social ladder.
If I eat a bunch of McDonald's, blow up to a size XXXXL, declare that I am a trans woman, and lean into my Cherokee ancestry, then I can overcome my white male Christian deficit and get more attention from people. I might even get a book deal and thousands of dollars per speaking engagement!
Within this framework, the more of a hungry attention-seeker you are, the more "oppressed" they say you are.
But like the rewards programs, it's really only a fancy way of getting you to buy into the pyramid scheme. Capitalism works!
P.S. Now check out our latest video 👇