This woman's life hack is blending pasta noodles to make ... pasta noodles πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ
Β· Mar 21, 2023 Β·

This is painful to watch.


Some of you are really desperate for those clicks, aren't you? You're just out there sticking a fork in a blender to live your best life now.

Then again, in a world where one can tape a banana to a wall and call it art, grinding up pasta to make pasta seems rather tame by comparison.

This egg was really embarrassed to be there, not gonna lie!

"We went from this, to this."

Congratulations, you have discovered the secret of the illusive ingredient known as "flour"!

A few reactions:

If you need me, I'll be over here hand-rolling dough for the next 4 hours to drown my tears! 😭

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