This YouTuber actually thinks the media never attacked Trump's press secretaries
· Jul 9, 2024 ·

One of the most enjoyable things about the flood of leftist tears triggered by the media's forced acknowledgement that Joe Biden is a vegetable is the childish explosion of complaints that the media are the enemy and would never, ever, ever dare treat Republicans like they're treating Democrats today.


Here's how one YouTuber put it:

They never attacked Sean Spicer, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Stephanie Grisham or Kayleigh McEnany?!

Let's set aside the important point that unlike Karine Jean-Pierre, Trump's press secretaries could read and write. Instead, let's debunk the laughable claim that they were never the target of media scorn.

I'll give you just three examples of many.

What about when Esquire joked that Sean Spicer had to remind himself not to compliment Hitler?

What about when Sarah Huckabee Sanders was forced out of a restaurant for the crime of being a Republican … and the Washington Post published an op-ed by the restaurant owner?

What about when Vanity Fair called Kayleigh McEnany — a graduate of Oxford University — a "cheerleader"?

But questioning Karine Jean-Pierre — the worst press secretary in the history of this pointless position — is too far because she's a Democrat.

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