Freedom-loving representative from the state of Kentucky, Thomas Massie, just introduced a bill that would repeal the 1990 law that made all schools gun-free zones:

The law, which was put into place prior to Columbine and other major school shootings, has obviously done nothing to prevent bad guys from bringing weapons to schools.
Here's Massie's statement on the bill:
Representative Thomas Massie (R-KY) announces his re-introduction of the "Safe Students Act," H.R. 7415. The "Safe Students Act" repeals the "Gun-Free School Zones Act of 1990," (GFSZA) eliminating GFSZA's one-size-fits-all federal ban on guns in school zones. Enactment of the "Safe Students Act" would make it easier for state and local governments and school boards to unambiguously set their own firearms policies.
"Gun-free zones are ineffective and make our schools less safe. Since 1950, 98 percent of mass public shootings have occurred in places where citizens are banned from having guns," Rep. Massie said. "Banks, churches, sports stadiums, and many of my colleagues in Congress are protected with firearms. Yet children inside the classroom are too frequently left vulnerable."

The bill is a resurrected Ron Paul bill from 2007.
This time it has 17 co-sponsors.
It looks like this bill could make some noise. But it might have to wait for Republican control after this year's election to have even a chance of passing.
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