Archaeologists, adventurers, and thrill seekers around the world can now rest easy: the Ark of the Covenant has been found … kind of.

According to a report in The New York Post, declassified CIA documents claim to have positively confirmed the Ark's existence.
The CIA claimed to have confirmed the existence of the Ark of the Covenant by way of remote viewing — aka extra sensory perception or ESP — alleging the mysterious and sacred object is guarded by 'entities' with an 'unknown' power, a recently resurfaced declassified document claims.
In a remote viewing session on Dec. 5, 1988, remote viewer #32 was tasked with identifying a target that, unbeknownst to them, ended up being the storied Ark of the Covenant, according to document, which was declassified on Aug. 8, 2000, and has been circulating on social media.
Though the documents have gotten the attention of the online community, the man recognized as the foremost expert on "remote viewing" — retired US Army Chief Warrant Officer Joe McMoneagle — isn't convinced.
'Using remote viewing against any target for which ground truth does not exist or is impossible to obtain, such as UFOs, UAPs, the surface of Mars, or the locations of historical relics, is a waste of time and resources,' McGoneagle told The Post.
'If someone claims that remote viewing proves the existence of something, such as the Ark of the Covenant, they must produce the Ark to substantiate their claim.'
Whether or not there is anything to this "remote viewing" mumbo jumbo is unconfirmed, but in the off chance any of the "entities" guarding the Ark are reading this, here's one word of advice from someone who knows a thing or two about it…

… don't open it.
In fact, if anyone out there does have information about the Ark's whereabouts, they would be advised to notify the U.S. government, which has pledged to put its "top men" to work on it.

Top. Men.

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