CNN laments 10,000 precious babies born in Texas that might have otherwise been killed in abortions
· Jul 6, 2023 ·

Guys, the folks over at CNN want you to be super-duper sad today.

Because of Greg Abbott and the heartless Republicans in Texas, 10,000 babies have "tragically" been born.

That's 10,000 precious bundles of joy that "doctors" in Texas were unable to murder. Sad!

Using data from other states and from Texas in years prior to the new law, they established a version of what birth trends in Texas would have probably looked like without the law and compared that with the actual number of births reported.

They found that from April to December 2022, the first months that would have reflected the effects of the policy change, there were about 297,000 total births: about 3% more than the 287,000 births that would have been expected without the law.

This is from Texas' six-week abortion ban, which passed and was implemented prior to the overturn of Roe. The number of new babies entering our world is likely only to go up.

Expect the media to be very somber about that.

Amen, Seth. Amen.

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