Governor of North Carolina vetoes bipartisan bill that would keep men out of women's sports
· Jul 6, 2023 ·

North Carolina's Governor Roy Cooper, who is by all accounts nothing more than a slimy, sniveling, absolute ween of a politician (just tellin' it like it is!) just vetoed a popular, bi-partisan, common sense bill that would preserve girls' sports AND protect girls from having dudes in their locker rooms.

Cooper would rather bow to the LGBT sexual revolutionary mob than protect girls from predatory dudes.

Cooper's rejection of the bipartisan "Fairness in Women's Sports Act" was one of three vetoes he issued on Wednesday, but the other two bills only received Republican support.

Even though the other 2 bills were "partisan" they were also common sense.

He also vetoed the "Parents' Bill of Rights," which would give parents and guardians a greater say in their children's education, and the "Act to Prohibit Gender Transition Procedures for Minors," which would ban most hormone therapies and gender surgeries on children in the state.

Oh no! Parents can't have any say in how their kids are educated in public schools! How else are the pedo teachers supposed to groom them?

If you think kids should be taught sex stuff and radical gender ideology in school, what's the point if you don't also allow doctors to surgically and chemically butcher kids?

"For campaign purposes only, Republicans are serving up a triple threat of political culture wars using government to invade the rights and responsibilities of parents and doctors, hurting vulnerable children and damaging our state's reputation and economy like they did with the harmful bathroom bill," Cooper said, referring to the 2016 law that forced state-funded facilities to only allow people to use the bathroom that corresponded with their biological sex. The law generated nationwide controversy and was repealed in 2020.

You see! It's REPUBLICANS who are propagating culture wars because Democrats are chopping the body parts off kids, grooming them in the classroom, and opening up private girls' spaces to dudes. How uncivilized of them to push back against that, right?

North Carolina Republicans SHOULD have a veto-proof majority, meaning that they should be able to override all three of these vetoes. However, one of the Republicans is a former Democrat, and with a slim margin nothing is guaranteed.

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