Trump riffing about Trump Derangement Syndrome onstage is one of the funniest things he has done in some time
ยท Aug 31, 2024 ยท

You're telling me Kamala Harris is the campaign of "joy"?

Then explain to me why I can't wipe this dumb grin off my face every time Trump goes into a comedy routine?

Here's Trump with a quick riff on "TDS."

It is nastier to run for office as a Republican. Now I'm the ultimate - They suffer from a thing called TDS, do you know what that is? TDS is a horrible horrible terminal disease. It destroys the mind - it destroys the mind before the body but the body eventually goes.

Now, I thought it was hilarious. But the lady interviewing Trump was just swept away by it ๐Ÿ˜‚

But seriously, folks, TDS is a serious affliction. Fortunately RFKJ's team has found the cure.

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