What do you think is gonna happen?
You might have seen this clip on the web yesterday of RFK's running mate, Nicole Shanahan, contemplating the idea of dropping out of the race and endorsing Trump.
She appeared later on Fox News to speak more on the issue.
These literal progressives are considering throwing in the towel and endorsing the populist Republican candidate for president, which should tell you all you need to know about the state of the Democratic Party.
As for Trump and his position on the issue:
Reporter: Would you also consider putting him in the administration
Trump: You're asking me a very unusual question — I haven't been asked that question yet. I like him a lot, I respect him a lot. I probably would if something like that would happen.
I'm taking this answer from Trump with a grain of salt, as I would with any politician who answered a question in such a way.
But it would be quite the move!
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