Let's check in on the "most conservative" state in the union, shall we? Oh, what? They're praying to Satan now?
... I open the eye of Medusa, the stare that petrifies injustice, I call upon the serpent that rises from this land to face the stars, the movement of wisdom unbound. May these leaders find within themselves the embodied divine, the sacred essence of the spark of the universe, and the breath of the a-wind(???) protecting the sovereignty and autonomy of all our people.

BuT reLiGiOuS fReEdoM mEaNs yOu hAve tO aLLow aLL rEliGiOnS!
Welcome to "red" America, where city councils thank a "priestess" for invoking Satan, Medusa, Gorgons, and other demons.
Fortunately, there's a few people who had an issue with this.
Here's Oklahoma Governor Stitt:
Oklahoma Superintendent Ryan Walters:
And the Attorney General of Oklahoma:
The elites don't want you to know this, but "religious freedom" doesn't mean you have to allow Satanism in public life.
Our favorite idol smasher put it this way:
Oklahomans, this is your state. Tulsa, this is your city. You do not have to put up with this nonsense.
P.S. Now check out our latest video 👇