WATCH: Tulsi Gabbard just weighed in on Kamala being the Democrat Party's "chosen one"
· Jul 22, 2024 ·

With the Democrat Party coalescing around Kamala Harris as the presidential nominee to replace Biden, former Democrat (now Independent) Tulsi Gabbard had a few things to say in response.

Everything you've heard me say about Hillary Clinton, the queen of warmongers, can also be said of Kamala Harris.

Watch the entire harsh takedown of Harris as a warmonger below:

There should be no question in your mind that if Kamala is allowed to be our president and Commander in Chief, she'll be the maidservant of this queen of warmongers, the head of this elitest cabal of warmongers that has gotten us into this place. They're the ones who've been calling the shots behind Joe Biden's presidency, they would continue to call the shots if Kamala Harris is president.

Here she is explaining why Kamala, like Biden, would be a tool of a cabal of "unelected power elites:"

Tulsi is no stranger to Kamala Harris takedowns. Here is a flashback to the Democrat primaries where she destroyed Harris for her atrocious and corrupt record as a prosecutor:

With the Democrats and the media rushing to coronate Harris, people like Tulsi Gabbard are important voices reminding voters of Harris' record as a prosecutor and a politician.

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