Why is the head of the Southern Baptist's lobbying arm praising Biden as "selfless" in his decision to drop out of the race?
· Jul 22, 2024 · NottheBee.com

I don't know how or why the Southern Baptist Convention, America's flagship conservative evangelical group, is subsidizing something like this.

Here's the statement from Brent Leatherwood, President of the SBC's Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission praising Joe Biden as "selfless" for stepping down.

Posted on their official account with written statements from the lobbying arm of the SBC's president.

I get the whole "we're above politics" pietism, but does anyone think this, in any way, reflects the attitudes and opinions of a majority of Southern Baptists?

'Not only is this a historic decision, it is the right decision for our nation,' Ethics & Religious Liberty President Brent Leatherwood said in written comments for Baptist Press. 'The role of president takes a heavy toll and, based on what has been apparent for some time, it was unrealistic to ask President Biden to endure another four years of the incredible burdens placed on the one who occupies this office.'


'We should all express our appreciation that President Biden has put the needs of the nation above his personal ambition,' Leatherwood said. 'Despite what some partisans will say, to walk away from power is a selfless act - the kind that has become all too rare in our culture.'

Does Leatherwood, speaking on the behalf of Southern Baptists, one of Donald Trump's most reliable voting blocs, consider that Biden's being forced out of the presidency by his own party for being the worst, least competent, and most feeble candidate in history is akin to Washington refusing to become king?

This is a noble act? To finally resign oneself to the wishes of the power hungry Democrat Party whose only concern is conserving power for the regime and defeating Donald Trump at all cost?

And to repeat the Democrat talking points about Biden's resignation being in any way noble?

I wish I could say I was surprised.

Southern Baptists aren't having their views presented in the public square with people like Leatherwood at the helm.

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