Two passengers locked a 1-year-old in the airplane's bathroom when she wouldn't stop crying. They claim the baby's grandma said it was okay.
ยท Aug 30, 2024 ยท

No, these people were not related to the kid.

Yes, they claimed the kid's grandma said it was okay.

A couple of women flying in China sparked outrage after they locked a stranger's 1-year-old baby in the bathroom because she wouldn't stop screaming.

The incident went viral this week after one of the two women involved posted a video on Chinese social media, which showed them inside a locked lavatory with the wailing girl, who appeared to be about a year old.

'We won't let you out unless you stop crying,' a woman sitting on the toilet told the toddler as she struggled out of the adult's lap and reached for the door, according to the video posted on Douyin, China's version of TikTok.

Have these people ever talked to a 1-year-old before??

Alright, I'll show you the video so prepare yourself:

When she finally stopped, the ladies threatened to lock her in there again if she started back up.

The toddler was flying with her grandparents and cried non-stop during the nearly three-hour flight, the airline said in a statement Monday. The two passengers took the child to the restroom to 'educate her' with her grandmother's consent, the statement added.

But a day later, as criticism mounted, the airline's customer service department apologized for the incident and 'oversight of the crew,' adding it condemned the two passengers' behavior, according to the state-run Southern Metropolis Daily.

This is really something. The airline initially was all-for the women's actions. I guess they thought this was a reasonable solution.

Then everyone got mad and they apologized.

One of the women, who posted the video online, said her intention was to ensure a 'restful flight' for other passengers. But her post quickly met a backlash, with many social media users accusing her of being heartless and bullying the child. The video was later deleted.

Did these chicks film this video because they thought they were being heroes??

If so, they just became worldwide villains!

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